Saturday, November 14, 2009

3 Way Links Services - Neurolinker, 3waylinks or Automated Link Building?

By Daniel McGonagle

There are a lot of three way link building services out there nowadays. Some services work better than others, some don't work well at all, and some are hybrid 3 way links services that do a combination of things. This article will tell you what services do a good job and what the future holds for 3 way link building.

One of the most popular services for getting 3 way links is Run by Jonathan Leger, 3waylinks has become the most popular service of its kind to date. The services performs well for what it is designed to do, but up and coming competitors are making less of a value added service as time goes on.

A competing 3 way or X-way linking service is one called Neurolinker. Neurloinker has features that allow you to get permanent one way links with their system, something that you can't get with, which also costs a lot more. Neurlinker's sales page falsely claims that you can get unlimited backlinks with them but that's not true because you're limited to the size of their network for obtaining backlinks.

Another 3 ways links service a lot of people are starting to hear about is automated Link building. Automated Link Building was a free service for a long time (and still might be who knows?) because they wanted to increase the size of their network until it rivaled its competitors in size

When deciding which of these services you might want to join there are 3 things you might want to consider. The most popular 3 way links service is almost the most expensive one with the largest network. Neurolinker offers permanent one way links, plus 3 way links but their network is smaller but always getting larger. Automated Link Building is free, or very low cost service and the network is growing very quickly.

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