Monday, November 30, 2009

What's Article Spinning Software Anyway?

By Izy Spinieri

If you search the market today, you will find many different spinning software. No matter if you want the software for your college assignments, journalism, or any other writing purpose, the software you find is usually of poor quality.

Many times the article spinner simply replaces words of the original article with synonyms. As a result, many time the article stops making sense or is poorly worded. In other words you are not given a quality unique article like you were hoping for. Other software will use what is known as "scraping." This is the process of searching the internet for articles similar to the one you are trying to spin and simply substituting it for your original content

Badly recreated or plagiarized articles waste the reader's time and threaten the credibility of any writer or website owner. Another pitfall of using spinning software in website promotion is that many search engines have become savvy enough to detect and reject spun or reproduced articles.

This leaves you with two options. The first option is to hope you have enough talent and time to write a lot of unique articles for yourself. The second option is to search for spinning software that will produce high quality results.

With the huge increase in internet marketing over the past five years, thousands, or even millions, of articles have been needed to link back to match keywords, link back to a specific site, or to increase the sites organic page ranking.

Due to the demand for unique content rising exponentially, the market for spinning software has also grown vastly. Of all the article spinners available, you will find that the majority of them are very poor. However, one that is of the quality you want is the Easy Article Spinner.

Manual spinning (see - a process gives the author control over vocabulary and style, preserving the writer's voice and ensuring readability - is what distinguishes the best spinning software from the rest of the pack. A short learning curve and user-friendly graphic interface ensures that Easy Article Spinner will have you creating fresh new content right away.

You can quickly create thousands of high quality and unique articles from as little as one article. This will dramatically increase the amount of traffic that will visit your site and increase your page rating.

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