I want to give you what I consider to be the 11 most valuable MLM tips to insure your success. Also in the resource box you will see my most powerful M.L.M tool recommendations for success in Network Marketing. One of the reasons that people in M.L.M are not successful in there M.L.M business is they stop too early. Now do not misunderstand me it can be a tough business at the beginning. Training, selling, prospecting, it can seem like a tremendous learning curve of things to do and when you are not used to running your own business it can be easier to give up than continue. So below I have for you 11 MLM tips that will ensure you enjoy success with your new business, stay on the road to success and avoid potential pitfalls.
Be prepared for hearing the word "NO". Who said that any kind of selling was easy, right? But it all comes down to having a good attitude. If you can understand that someone saying NO to the opportunity that you are so excited about is not a rejection of you as a person, then you are on your way. "Not interested" must be interpreted as "next" or the timing just isn't right for that individual. This is easier said than done but its the price of a successful business.
Be true to yourself. All new M.L.M businesses take time to grow and develop. If you go into a MLM opportunity and raise your expectations to a an unrealistic level you cant reach you will soon become disappointed and frustrated. By the same token I never want to damper a persons excitement if they truly believe that they can achieve high numbers in a short time. However, many times unrealistic goals are set and frustration often follows. Be sure to look towards a leader or up line mentor for guidance when creating your goals. Would you jog around the block a few times and believe you could now run a 10k marathon and win? Then why expect your new M.L.M business to be up and running and earning you money within a few weeks? Be patient, this is a new born baby, it takes time to nurture and develop. The potential results are worth the initial bumps and challenges. If your interest in a M.L.M company was stirred by the sales page that mentioned the salaries of their top affiliates find those people and ask them how long it took them to build their business and how much money and time they had to put into it. This information will give you a clear vision of your own time line and realistic goals.
Focus on the long term. Once you find a good company be prepared to stay. As I said above building your business takes time and patience. The most successful people in MLM have gone through very difficult times but they stuck with it and left a legacy behind. It is said often that tough times do not last but tough people always do. The same is true for those looking to build a solid M.L.M income. You should commit yourself to at least 3 years before changing your focus. Yes! AT LEAST 3 years. Jumping from one opportunity to the next only shows a serious lack of decision and stability in your planning and you will never personally grow your business mindset beyond that point.
Listen to your up line coaches. Learn from the best that have figured it out and stick with what works. When you first join a M.L.M company it is really easy to criticize the way things are done. Perhaps you do see a better way to do something. Well before you rush off and try it, see if the top earner have already done it. If it ain't broke then do not try to correct it. I can assure you the people making it in the business have been there and tried it before. Be a student for your first year. Just listen, learn and do. After you are more experienced you can always pick up on your idea and if you still think it is a good one with the knowledge and experience you gained over the past year you can put it in place. Being in a new M.L.M company has a big enough learning curve for anyone, don't complicate things by trying to do things your way.
Empower your down line immediately. Leveraging other peoples time and skills is the powerful business model that makes MLM so profitable. Leading and teaching is an important part of momentum and a strong team but some marketers make the mistake of doing too much for their down line members. This often backfires, however, because the down line members become lazy and depend too much on their up line they develop the work ethic to build their own teams. So it is important that you train your down line and encourage them to take the plunge towards getting going as quickly as possible. Avoid doing too much for them, or making them rely on you for every little thing. Best to show them to the company material that answers the questions when possible so they don't rely on you every time there is an obstacle and they will be learning a duplication system for there down lines questions.
Leverage Your Time by arranging group discussions. Whenever possible arrange to talk to a group of people at once rather than focus on talking to everyone individually, which will be very time consuming. Things to try include hosting an online chat room, setting up a toll free number with a recorded message that invites callers to leave their details so that you can return the call. The best network marketing companies will already have group presentations that you can invite people to attend and the smarter companies now offer live webcasts several times a week, but you may also want to consider running your own.
Look for people that have a "Why". I have made a lot of money in network marketing by finding small businesses that are in need of extra revenue to help with cash flow problems. If they offer services they may also be interested in establishing a business that provides passive income - especially if it fits into what they already offer. This is powerful because you are targeting people who are already motivated and understand what it takes to run a successful business. These individuals will also have a strong network from their businesses and therefore may be in a position of influence. Professionals that come in contact with a large number of people also make good distributors. The more business minded your prospects are the more likely you will recruit them.
Create a Business Plan. As an Online Entrepreneur and business coach I understand the importance of writing goals down as a way of working towards them. We are more likely to commit to something that is written down, plus you can hang it up within your sight like on the mirror or computer screen to remind you of what you are working towards when you are in need of motivation. I recommend your top six goals are written out daily and read out loud. Every business owner should have a goal that is the number one to do for the day. If you aim for nothing you are likely to strike it. If your plan is to get to a residual income of $30,000 per month then you should set smaller goals on your way there.
Improve your network marketing skills continually. It is important to become an expert listener if you want to become a successful network marketer. It is even more important to improve your ability to instantly befriend and bond with people. In essence, Network Marketing is really about making friends in business. If you do not like meeting new people then this is not for you. You are always going to be in contact with people in this business so you should brush up on your people skills. One of those skills that you will need to perfect is listening. One of the most common downfalls of MLMers is that they talk too much and do not listen to details. This applies to the majority of salespeople as well. You have to always take time to listen to the prospect because, if you do they will tell you exactly what they are looking for!
Continually learning will take you to becoming a top income earner. Stay at the top of your game at all times by knowing what is going on in your industry. As Donald Trump says "You must always be the expert in your area of business to become rich." Join at least one mastermind group with other like minded people. Attend your company's conference calls and meetings so you can connect with those higher up so that you can be one of the first to learn about new opportunities/changes and pass this on to your team.
Create your own promotional material, take the lead. If you really want to be known as an expert in your field then you must seriously considering producing your own promotional material. The more opportunity you provide people to see you as someone who knows a lot about what is happening within your company the more you are perceived as a leader. People want to join leaders. Articles, Blogs, Videos and Audios can all be created to enhance your credibility and unlike the brochure that everyone in your company uses, this is exclusive only to you (and perhaps the members of your team). Combine these digital materials with the proper online marketing and you have a powerful recruiting tool for you and your team. I have just provided you with 11 network marketing tips that will ensure your business stays on the quickest path to success. If you have not done this already I encourage you to stop reading and start writing down what your goals are for your business over the next 12 months. Also look for ways to continue your entrepreneurial education, continue to grow on a regular bases so you develop that millionaire mindset. Stay focused, know your direction, get help from mentors and/or your sponsor and make sure you continually support those you introduce. Do these things and you will soon find yourself running a very profitable network marketing organization and looking out over the beach everyday like I am right now. My very best wishes to you and your success my friend!
Be prepared for hearing the word "NO". Who said that any kind of selling was easy, right? But it all comes down to having a good attitude. If you can understand that someone saying NO to the opportunity that you are so excited about is not a rejection of you as a person, then you are on your way. "Not interested" must be interpreted as "next" or the timing just isn't right for that individual. This is easier said than done but its the price of a successful business.
Be true to yourself. All new M.L.M businesses take time to grow and develop. If you go into a MLM opportunity and raise your expectations to a an unrealistic level you cant reach you will soon become disappointed and frustrated. By the same token I never want to damper a persons excitement if they truly believe that they can achieve high numbers in a short time. However, many times unrealistic goals are set and frustration often follows. Be sure to look towards a leader or up line mentor for guidance when creating your goals. Would you jog around the block a few times and believe you could now run a 10k marathon and win? Then why expect your new M.L.M business to be up and running and earning you money within a few weeks? Be patient, this is a new born baby, it takes time to nurture and develop. The potential results are worth the initial bumps and challenges. If your interest in a M.L.M company was stirred by the sales page that mentioned the salaries of their top affiliates find those people and ask them how long it took them to build their business and how much money and time they had to put into it. This information will give you a clear vision of your own time line and realistic goals.
Focus on the long term. Once you find a good company be prepared to stay. As I said above building your business takes time and patience. The most successful people in MLM have gone through very difficult times but they stuck with it and left a legacy behind. It is said often that tough times do not last but tough people always do. The same is true for those looking to build a solid M.L.M income. You should commit yourself to at least 3 years before changing your focus. Yes! AT LEAST 3 years. Jumping from one opportunity to the next only shows a serious lack of decision and stability in your planning and you will never personally grow your business mindset beyond that point.
Listen to your up line coaches. Learn from the best that have figured it out and stick with what works. When you first join a M.L.M company it is really easy to criticize the way things are done. Perhaps you do see a better way to do something. Well before you rush off and try it, see if the top earner have already done it. If it ain't broke then do not try to correct it. I can assure you the people making it in the business have been there and tried it before. Be a student for your first year. Just listen, learn and do. After you are more experienced you can always pick up on your idea and if you still think it is a good one with the knowledge and experience you gained over the past year you can put it in place. Being in a new M.L.M company has a big enough learning curve for anyone, don't complicate things by trying to do things your way.
Empower your down line immediately. Leveraging other peoples time and skills is the powerful business model that makes MLM so profitable. Leading and teaching is an important part of momentum and a strong team but some marketers make the mistake of doing too much for their down line members. This often backfires, however, because the down line members become lazy and depend too much on their up line they develop the work ethic to build their own teams. So it is important that you train your down line and encourage them to take the plunge towards getting going as quickly as possible. Avoid doing too much for them, or making them rely on you for every little thing. Best to show them to the company material that answers the questions when possible so they don't rely on you every time there is an obstacle and they will be learning a duplication system for there down lines questions.
Leverage Your Time by arranging group discussions. Whenever possible arrange to talk to a group of people at once rather than focus on talking to everyone individually, which will be very time consuming. Things to try include hosting an online chat room, setting up a toll free number with a recorded message that invites callers to leave their details so that you can return the call. The best network marketing companies will already have group presentations that you can invite people to attend and the smarter companies now offer live webcasts several times a week, but you may also want to consider running your own.
Look for people that have a "Why". I have made a lot of money in network marketing by finding small businesses that are in need of extra revenue to help with cash flow problems. If they offer services they may also be interested in establishing a business that provides passive income - especially if it fits into what they already offer. This is powerful because you are targeting people who are already motivated and understand what it takes to run a successful business. These individuals will also have a strong network from their businesses and therefore may be in a position of influence. Professionals that come in contact with a large number of people also make good distributors. The more business minded your prospects are the more likely you will recruit them.
Create a Business Plan. As an Online Entrepreneur and business coach I understand the importance of writing goals down as a way of working towards them. We are more likely to commit to something that is written down, plus you can hang it up within your sight like on the mirror or computer screen to remind you of what you are working towards when you are in need of motivation. I recommend your top six goals are written out daily and read out loud. Every business owner should have a goal that is the number one to do for the day. If you aim for nothing you are likely to strike it. If your plan is to get to a residual income of $30,000 per month then you should set smaller goals on your way there.
Improve your network marketing skills continually. It is important to become an expert listener if you want to become a successful network marketer. It is even more important to improve your ability to instantly befriend and bond with people. In essence, Network Marketing is really about making friends in business. If you do not like meeting new people then this is not for you. You are always going to be in contact with people in this business so you should brush up on your people skills. One of those skills that you will need to perfect is listening. One of the most common downfalls of MLMers is that they talk too much and do not listen to details. This applies to the majority of salespeople as well. You have to always take time to listen to the prospect because, if you do they will tell you exactly what they are looking for!
Continually learning will take you to becoming a top income earner. Stay at the top of your game at all times by knowing what is going on in your industry. As Donald Trump says "You must always be the expert in your area of business to become rich." Join at least one mastermind group with other like minded people. Attend your company's conference calls and meetings so you can connect with those higher up so that you can be one of the first to learn about new opportunities/changes and pass this on to your team.
Create your own promotional material, take the lead. If you really want to be known as an expert in your field then you must seriously considering producing your own promotional material. The more opportunity you provide people to see you as someone who knows a lot about what is happening within your company the more you are perceived as a leader. People want to join leaders. Articles, Blogs, Videos and Audios can all be created to enhance your credibility and unlike the brochure that everyone in your company uses, this is exclusive only to you (and perhaps the members of your team). Combine these digital materials with the proper online marketing and you have a powerful recruiting tool for you and your team. I have just provided you with 11 network marketing tips that will ensure your business stays on the quickest path to success. If you have not done this already I encourage you to stop reading and start writing down what your goals are for your business over the next 12 months. Also look for ways to continue your entrepreneurial education, continue to grow on a regular bases so you develop that millionaire mindset. Stay focused, know your direction, get help from mentors and/or your sponsor and make sure you continually support those you introduce. Do these things and you will soon find yourself running a very profitable network marketing organization and looking out over the beach everyday like I am right now. My very best wishes to you and your success my friend!
About the Author:
My desire is to have supplied you with information that will increase your earning as quickly as possible. Here are some valuable MLM tips and training on video by a young man that recruited 95 people in 3 days. Very powerful information. Also a very important part of success is learning from the experts. You can join this weekly Expert Mastermind Call http://Mastermind.iLearningNow.tv
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