Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How to Find Professional Search Engine Optimization Company

By Sachin Kumar Airan

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the fastest growing industries or services in today's times. In today's busy times when we are looking to find everything without spending too much time and money, Search Engine Optimization is the answer to our problems. It is the easiest way to market your business or products to a wider audience from across the globe without the inconvenience of long travel, too much money and language barriers.

There are dozens of SEO companies that provide SEO advice to people looking to make more customers online. Search Engine Optimization is the best way to increase not only the traffic to your site but also the PR for your site. The more it is searched by people online the better it will fare in the lists of most searched pages. The more the number of people visiting your site would mean more potential customers for your business.

There are Search Engine Optimization services for all types of businesses like realtor SEO, copywriting SEO and SEO services in order to increase the flow o traffic to your page. There are many Search Engine Optimization companies all across the globe that caters to the needs of the people doing their business online. There are many famous SEO companies across the globe such as the Chicago SEO company, Tucson SEO and Cornwall Search Engine Optimization that offer SEO service. Different SEO companies offer different SEO prices to their customers depending upon the service that the customer has chosen in terms of extensive or low key optimization.

We at SKG Technologies have been offering SEO services to customers from many years. We increase the traffic to your website by advertising online about your website or services by methods like article submissions on sites, blogging, social bookmarking etc. We also take utmost care to check on the response to these services on a regular basis so that we may be able to supply perfect way of SEO service to our shoppers. Our business is to look after your business and its wants.

In order to know more information about the kind of services being offered and any other questions that you may have regarding our SEO service, visit www.skgtechnologies.com and get to know more about us.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Story Of The Opt-In List And The Email

By Graeme Stuart

Building your opt-in list can be exceptionally profitable for your online business and a wonderful use of your time...if done correctly. As you are no doubt already aware, emails are fast replacing regular snail mail. Not just because they're cheaper, but also as they're much, much faster. Emails can be sent in as fast as five seconds, depending on the server, anywhere in the world.

These days, many businesses are realizing the importance of email marketing. Through emails, an online business can market their product directly through their customers. Email marketing is used as a quick and direct way to reach target audiences.

Email marketing is being used by businesses to maintain contact, good relationships and trust with their customers. Emails are being used to distribute newsletters, promotional mails, and other things.

Like to know how to round up email addresses to send out all those marketing mails you have? Here is where an opt-in list comes in.

Basically, opt-in list refers to the list of email addresses of people who have agreed to subscribe to your mailing list. In this way, you can freely send emails that entail promotions, brochures, new product announcements, and every aspect of your marketing campaign. Building an opt in list means you not only increase the probability of being successful in email marketing, but you also boost your sales and profits as well.

To build your opt-in list, add a subscribe link on your web site. It's a good idea to put it on all the pages, and make sure that it is strategically positioned, so that visitors can easily locate it. The upper right hand corner of the page would be a ideal.

Other key things in email marketing, are placing extra emphasis on what sets you apart from your competitors. And of course, its also important to know your product or service really well.

Distribute information, write articles, and always have your links included in them. Make sure that the information is relevant to viewers. Offer free courses to your visitors and do some networking too. Join forums or discussions and build relationships with people. This will also be a good way for you to get more contacts, visitors and potential clients and customers. Give away freebies, offers and goodies that will require visitors to give out their email addresses to join.

Of course, once you have them, treat these email addresses with respect, and remember that you are trying to build trust, credibility and long-term visitors and customers. Don't jeopardize this by spamming. Not cool. Your aim is to get your customers to trust you and your products.

Email marketing is such a hugely profitable business on the Internet. But it would not be complete and will never succeed without the help of the opt-in lists. These two must always go hand-in-hand, in order to be successful in the virtual world of Internet marketing.

Wishing you Great Success and happy marketing! Graeme Stuart YourSuccessNetBiz.com

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Monday, June 22, 2009

11 Tips and Network Marketing Tools To Insure Success

By Brian J Williams

I want to give you what I consider to be the 11 most valuable MLM tips to insure your success. Also in the resource box you will see my most powerful M.L.M tool recommendations for success in Network Marketing. One of the reasons that people in M.L.M are not successful in there M.L.M business is they stop too early. Now do not misunderstand me it can be a tough business at the beginning. Training, selling, prospecting, it can seem like a tremendous learning curve of things to do and when you are not used to running your own business it can be easier to give up than continue. So below I have for you 11 MLM tips that will ensure you enjoy success with your new business, stay on the road to success and avoid potential pitfalls.

Be prepared for hearing the word "NO". Who said that any kind of selling was easy, right? But it all comes down to having a good attitude. If you can understand that someone saying NO to the opportunity that you are so excited about is not a rejection of you as a person, then you are on your way. "Not interested" must be interpreted as "next" or the timing just isn't right for that individual. This is easier said than done but its the price of a successful business.

Be true to yourself. All new M.L.M businesses take time to grow and develop. If you go into a MLM opportunity and raise your expectations to a an unrealistic level you cant reach you will soon become disappointed and frustrated. By the same token I never want to damper a persons excitement if they truly believe that they can achieve high numbers in a short time. However, many times unrealistic goals are set and frustration often follows. Be sure to look towards a leader or up line mentor for guidance when creating your goals. Would you jog around the block a few times and believe you could now run a 10k marathon and win? Then why expect your new M.L.M business to be up and running and earning you money within a few weeks? Be patient, this is a new born baby, it takes time to nurture and develop. The potential results are worth the initial bumps and challenges. If your interest in a M.L.M company was stirred by the sales page that mentioned the salaries of their top affiliates find those people and ask them how long it took them to build their business and how much money and time they had to put into it. This information will give you a clear vision of your own time line and realistic goals.

Focus on the long term. Once you find a good company be prepared to stay. As I said above building your business takes time and patience. The most successful people in MLM have gone through very difficult times but they stuck with it and left a legacy behind. It is said often that tough times do not last but tough people always do. The same is true for those looking to build a solid M.L.M income. You should commit yourself to at least 3 years before changing your focus. Yes! AT LEAST 3 years. Jumping from one opportunity to the next only shows a serious lack of decision and stability in your planning and you will never personally grow your business mindset beyond that point.

Listen to your up line coaches. Learn from the best that have figured it out and stick with what works. When you first join a M.L.M company it is really easy to criticize the way things are done. Perhaps you do see a better way to do something. Well before you rush off and try it, see if the top earner have already done it. If it ain't broke then do not try to correct it. I can assure you the people making it in the business have been there and tried it before. Be a student for your first year. Just listen, learn and do. After you are more experienced you can always pick up on your idea and if you still think it is a good one with the knowledge and experience you gained over the past year you can put it in place. Being in a new M.L.M company has a big enough learning curve for anyone, don't complicate things by trying to do things your way.

Empower your down line immediately. Leveraging other peoples time and skills is the powerful business model that makes MLM so profitable. Leading and teaching is an important part of momentum and a strong team but some marketers make the mistake of doing too much for their down line members. This often backfires, however, because the down line members become lazy and depend too much on their up line they develop the work ethic to build their own teams. So it is important that you train your down line and encourage them to take the plunge towards getting going as quickly as possible. Avoid doing too much for them, or making them rely on you for every little thing. Best to show them to the company material that answers the questions when possible so they don't rely on you every time there is an obstacle and they will be learning a duplication system for there down lines questions.

Leverage Your Time by arranging group discussions. Whenever possible arrange to talk to a group of people at once rather than focus on talking to everyone individually, which will be very time consuming. Things to try include hosting an online chat room, setting up a toll free number with a recorded message that invites callers to leave their details so that you can return the call. The best network marketing companies will already have group presentations that you can invite people to attend and the smarter companies now offer live webcasts several times a week, but you may also want to consider running your own.

Look for people that have a "Why". I have made a lot of money in network marketing by finding small businesses that are in need of extra revenue to help with cash flow problems. If they offer services they may also be interested in establishing a business that provides passive income - especially if it fits into what they already offer. This is powerful because you are targeting people who are already motivated and understand what it takes to run a successful business. These individuals will also have a strong network from their businesses and therefore may be in a position of influence. Professionals that come in contact with a large number of people also make good distributors. The more business minded your prospects are the more likely you will recruit them.

Create a Business Plan. As an Online Entrepreneur and business coach I understand the importance of writing goals down as a way of working towards them. We are more likely to commit to something that is written down, plus you can hang it up within your sight like on the mirror or computer screen to remind you of what you are working towards when you are in need of motivation. I recommend your top six goals are written out daily and read out loud. Every business owner should have a goal that is the number one to do for the day. If you aim for nothing you are likely to strike it. If your plan is to get to a residual income of $30,000 per month then you should set smaller goals on your way there.

Improve your network marketing skills continually. It is important to become an expert listener if you want to become a successful network marketer. It is even more important to improve your ability to instantly befriend and bond with people. In essence, Network Marketing is really about making friends in business. If you do not like meeting new people then this is not for you. You are always going to be in contact with people in this business so you should brush up on your people skills. One of those skills that you will need to perfect is listening. One of the most common downfalls of MLMers is that they talk too much and do not listen to details. This applies to the majority of salespeople as well. You have to always take time to listen to the prospect because, if you do they will tell you exactly what they are looking for!

Continually learning will take you to becoming a top income earner. Stay at the top of your game at all times by knowing what is going on in your industry. As Donald Trump says "You must always be the expert in your area of business to become rich." Join at least one mastermind group with other like minded people. Attend your company's conference calls and meetings so you can connect with those higher up so that you can be one of the first to learn about new opportunities/changes and pass this on to your team.

Create your own promotional material, take the lead. If you really want to be known as an expert in your field then you must seriously considering producing your own promotional material. The more opportunity you provide people to see you as someone who knows a lot about what is happening within your company the more you are perceived as a leader. People want to join leaders. Articles, Blogs, Videos and Audios can all be created to enhance your credibility and unlike the brochure that everyone in your company uses, this is exclusive only to you (and perhaps the members of your team). Combine these digital materials with the proper online marketing and you have a powerful recruiting tool for you and your team. I have just provided you with 11 network marketing tips that will ensure your business stays on the quickest path to success. If you have not done this already I encourage you to stop reading and start writing down what your goals are for your business over the next 12 months. Also look for ways to continue your entrepreneurial education, continue to grow on a regular bases so you develop that millionaire mindset. Stay focused, know your direction, get help from mentors and/or your sponsor and make sure you continually support those you introduce. Do these things and you will soon find yourself running a very profitable network marketing organization and looking out over the beach everyday like I am right now. My very best wishes to you and your success my friend!

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Ebook Business, Start Yours Now!

By Amy Anderson

You can start your own online ebook business by simply following the simple steps listed below. The first step is to do market research so that you can determine the number of people searching online for particular niches. Carrying out market research also helps you to tell how many people do an online search every month for certain keyword phrases. It is important to first conduct market research so that you can put your priorities in an appropriate order.

You should ensure that there is enough potential traffic to make significant sales. When carrying out the market research, ask yourself the following questions; what is the number and quality of the free information that already exists online and the number of competing products that are already on sale?

Create a survey site, preferably a one-page website, which can ask people whether they are interested in the topic that they intend to create an ebook for. In creating a survey site, you can ask your visitors to advice you on what they feel needs to be addressed by your site and ask them whether they are interested in ebooks or a website on the topic.

Once you have created the survey site, create a pay-per-click traffic so as to drive the traffic to the survey site and stay at the sales page for long.Create the product by hiring a writer and arranging interviews with experts. Ebooks are normally large volumes of books, so they require carrying extensive research on the topic you wish to address.

You can visit other sites that can help you when writing and researching on the topic you want to write about. Once the product is ready, you can make sure to create a sales page. You should have a professional copywriter to do the work for you.

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You Need Business Opportunity Seekers

By Ryan Johnson

Business opportunity seekers are those who want to earn some extra money or money through online. People who are not satisfied by their income search for some business that can be done online by being at home. There is so much small business and home based business opportunities that are available in plenty for business opportunity seekers. If you do a good research over the internet on business opportunity lists about various programmers, you will end up in genuine business opportunities.

There are many sites which lists down the plenty of business that are available and we can choose one among that best suits our work timings. But just dont try these business seekers for fun as you can put all your hard work in vain. There are people who do not appear again after their work gets over. So it is your duty to scrutinize each and every opportunity that you get.

These professionals are people who always needed for simple to complex projects. If you have large projects and you cannot get to them in a timely manor, you'll have to outsource the project in order to meet deadlines. Opportunity seekers are available to pick up where you left off. Outsourcing can allow these professionals to get additional work and allows you to concentrate on other matters. Finding these professionals is a simple task if you know the correct MLM websites to search or site sites that have opportunity seekers lists.

If you are not comfortable with trusting these professionals, you'll have to go a different route. Family members are typically a good place to start. Often its difficult explaining to family members the potential of online business so this is a good way to get them in your circle and make money together.

Finding great opportunities are the prime reason why opportunity seekers exist. Once the business professional find the opportunity that interests him the most, he can pursue it in greater detail. Some people may be great at certain things, such as being great at SEO or marketing. He'll target work based on that expertise and continue doing work to build a solid reputation. Opportunity seekers are out there and finding these professionals allows you to find the right person for the right job.

Finding your opportunity seeker is simple, you just have to know where to look. The internet is a great place to start. Business classifieds and forums are good starting place, however MLM sites are another great tool to find the opportunity seeker.

By earning extra income, opportunity seekers can find work that people do not want to do themselves. In order to pay bills, these professionals can get the job at the right price. There are many places to start looking for these workers and the first step is to look for them for your next project.

Rest assured, there are plenty of workers online who can help with the next project.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Need for a Keyword Tool

By John Knight

A keyword tool is very important for the success of an online business. The information to be acquired with the use of the tool will be vital in the advertising of products. But first, two things are needed: knowledge of the target customers, and a constant edge over the competition.

Effective advertising will induce customers to patronize products and services. Their patronization will mean profits for the company. This does not come easy.

There are constants: ideas, analysis, check-ups, and innovations. It should be determined if a certain concept ticks with the target customers. Research thus becomes highly important for a business be profitable.

Marketing research shoulders the responsibility to discover things about potential customers. A composite is assigned a profile and a name. Questions will be asked such as: What does he or she want? What are his or her likes and/or dislikes?

These questions and the like will provide businesses a glimpse into their customers. Advertising material will be matched to that information. The same thing applies to online businesses.

There is a question online businesses are most concerned with. What does this individual type in while searching for a product or service? This is why a keyword tool is very vital.

Once a business concern finds out who its target market is, another concern is to find out what comprises its daily habits, what it usually does and says. In web business, this refers to the words and/or phrases the target customer usually keys in on the search bar while looking for information concerning products and/or services. The keyword plays a very important role at this stage.

The research tool supplies the words and/or phrases frequently used by potential customers. This is called electronic research, fast and efficient. If they could help it, online businesses will use only the most effective keyword tool that yields the necessary results.

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Blog Hosting: Secrets to Get High Traffic

By Anand Maheshwari

The blogs are read very actively by people. So, there are cases of a frequent surge in traffic. It causes the blog page to run down from the server. It is necessary that one opts for a reliable blog hosting service. This hosting service will act an important back up of the blog. It will make sure that people are able to read all the pages of the blog and at all times. You can opt for a cheap blog host. It will not be able to offer the factors that you are looking for in a blog hosting service which are storage space, bandwidth, allowed domains, database features and email accounts. It is necessary that you are paying a special amount of attention to the bandwidth that can be purchased by you in a blog hosting service.

Under most of the blog host, 3000 to 6000 GB is given under introductory plans. You should think of getting an unlimited amount of bandwidth from the host because as soon as the bandwidth is finished, the site will not feature online. So, not to cause interference in your site's uptime, it is necessary that you purchase an unlimited bandwidth. A storage space is also an important parameter which should be included in your blog hosting plans. With a higher amount of disk space in your hand, you will be able to get pages, files and higher emails on your server.

It is also necessary to see how much time it takes you to download a blog on the server. With a Wordpress template it can take you lower time than an hour to do so. Make sure that the blog hosting company you are opting for does have a back up plan in place. It is also useful if you are preparing a back up plan of your own when the site goes down. Also, never try to interfere with the settings on the control panel. You should not play with the MySQL installations and template code, without knowing anything about them at all. If a crashing happens is such a case, you can easily restore the post with the help of emails if they have been sent to you.

You have to look thoroughly to find a blog hosting service meeting your needs in the best possible way. It can be easy for you to have a set up if your blog submissions are completely free and unlimited.

One's choice of a blog web hosting services also depend on the purposes for which the blog is used. It can only decide what kind of a service you should opt for. If you are using your blog for personal needs, then a free blog hosting service is an ideal option. But paid blog hosting services only have to be employed for a commercial venture because the amount of service has to be great.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What Is The Definition Of A Home Based Business

By Psuedor Q. Marfinm

If you look at the literal meaning of "home based business" you begin to get some insight into just how many different ways you could make that work. In this article we will talk about ways to have a business at home, but make money working outside of it.

Home based means your home is your place of business. Every business is an organization operated with the objective of making a profit from selling goods or services. Subsequently, a home based business is one where you intend to make money selling something and you do it from your home.

Think about the power of that. You have no boss to answer to. You do not have to drive into work every day. You can take time off when you want. If you want to take a 10 day vacation you can do it. You can give yourself a raise whenever you want.

One example of a home based businesses would be a salesmen who works out of his house, but goes to his clients home to conduct business. Another example might be a plumber who takes calls on his cell phone while he goes on service calls to his customers.

If you can think of a way to make money from home while working outside of it you may live a dream life. One complaint of people who work strictly at home is a lack of communication with the outside world. If you were to start your own cosmetics business for example, you would work it out of your home and ding dong your way to profit selling in other people's homes.

Service businesses that people start and run without a lot of training include selling wood, snowplowing driveways or parking lots, pool care, interior design, home handyman, and many more.

Now this doesn't mean that having a home based business means you have to leave your house. Telemarketing is one way to make money with your own home business and all you need is a phone with possibly unlimited long distance service.

The internet has helped many people start a business and base it at home. If you have a computer and internet service you are only limited in ways to make money by your creativity and coming up with a way that works for you.

By now your head should be spinning with ways to get started. The best home based business is one you can run from home and leave home if you need to.

Summary: In this article we talk about ways to have a home based business but make money working outside of the home.

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Write Effective Google Adwords Ads

By Raymond B. Harris

Google Adwords continues to be one of the most effective PPC advertising models on the web, and businesses of all sizes can get started with Adwords within a few hours. Writing effective ads is a critical element of the campaign; since you only have a 35 characters of text in each line to get the attention of your audience, the words you select and the statements you make must be very specific and structured in a way that generates clicks.

Expert adwords users follow a basic structure when composing their adwords ad. Read on if you are a new Google adwords user and use these guidelines in writing your first ad.

1. Headlines must contain your keyword. People tend to click more on ads if the headline includes the keyword or keyphrase they typed in Google's search box, according to Perry Marshall and Bryan Todd, authors of the book "The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords". Use this technique to grab the attention of your target audience instantly.

2. Describe your benefit in the second line. Most readers will respond to an ad that clearly lists a key benefit near the beginning. Make sure you are listing your benefit on the second line, not your offer or a feature. Think about giving them what they want' before highlighting a feature or a special offer.

3. Feature and offer goes in the third line. After 'giving them what they want', its time to support your benefit by stating a feature or your special offer. This line should be simple and concise and make sure this line does not overwhelm your benefit.

4. Include your landing page in the last line. You can link your ads into any page or URL within your website. Do not link all your ads to your homepage. You can create a specific landing page for each ad to match the page's content with that of your ad's. This can also be used to obtain performance data on your ads, which you will need for optimizing your campaign later.

5. Split-test your Ads. Split-testing means running two similar ads at the same time to see which one will gather more clicks. Make small changes in your ads and see which version will perform better.

Don't be afraid to start your very first Google Adwords campaign. You'll soon be able to grasp the dynamics of a successful Adwords campaign with practice. Follow these guidelines and start running ads now.

About the Author:

How Can Meditation Help Your Business?

By Graeme Stuart

A certain strength of character is required when running your own Online Business.

The technical skills and techniques needed are easily learned, but it's your mindset and strength of character that will bring you great success and set you apart from your competitors.

What about maintaining a daily state of positivity and happiness and of belief, certainty and faith? How do you stay inspired, balanced, focused, enthusiastic and energised every single day? How do you maintain your clarity, dedication and industriousness on a day to day basis?

There are so, so, so many techniques out there to help achieve this state of personal peak performance. I've tried a heap of them! Personal development programs, books, courses, affirmations, programming, courses, visualisations, and more courses!

After trying many techniques, I have found the most beneficial thing to be meditation. Regular, daily meditation, combined with a short period of inner reflection or character building.

Scientific studies into areas such as brain activity, brain synchrony and neurohormone levels, have shown incredible results from the practice of meditation. For me, one of the most noticeable effects is the increase in neurohormones.

My preferred choice, Planetary Peace Meditation has shown increases in neurohormones, serum serotonin and plasma melatonin of up to 300%.

What does this 300% increase of neurohormones, serum serotonin and plasma melatonin do? Well, this means that I feel much happier after meditation. I feel more relaxed and more positive about the day ahead, my business and life in general. I am more centred and have much more clarity about what I am doing.

I also have more energy to deal with obstacles, which might otherwise put me behind schedule or put me in a negative mental place.

Do you think this has an effect on your Online Business? You bet it does! If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction (books by Abraham-Hicks or the film 'The Secret') you'll know what I mean.

If we are feeling good, and our Energy level is high, we attract what we want towards us. If your business requires new prospects hungry to buy into your business...then that's what you will get...a constant stream of new hungry prospects AND profit!

It's a good idea to use the time immediately after mediation when you're feeling great, to do things for your business. Update your blog, make a video, write your adcopy, write an article, etc. All you do will be infused with the wonderful energy you generated during meditation. This will be picked up on by your prospects, and will make them more receptive to you and your business.

Personally, I like to meditate first thing in the morning after a shower. It's the perfect set-up for the day ahead. However, any time you have a spare half hour during the day or in the evening is still great and certainly better than not doing it at all.

The meditation I recommend most highly is available online 24 hours a day, is fully guided, is free and only takes 20 minutes. You can find it at http://ppmaudiostream.org. Just click on Planetary Meditation for Peace.

I go continue on and on about the benefits of meditation, but this would take us beyond the scope of this article.

So for now, keep meditating and look out for my other articles on this wonderful topic. I look forward to sharing with you, tips on how to use this meditation (Planetary Peace Meditation) to specifically energise and accelerate any goals you may have in business and in life.

To find out more about this recommended meditation, visit PPMAudioStream.org

Wishing you much Success and Happiness, Graeme Stuart

About the Author:

Monday, June 15, 2009

Making Money Online - It Doesn't Have to Be a Mystery

By Thomas Erikson

Heard about people making big bucks online and wondered how to do it? It may seem a bit mysterious, but it really isn't. With affiliate marketing anyone, whether a beginner or not, is able to begin making a nice income on the web.

You can use affiliate marketing and quickly learn to earn a nice income online. There is no big secret here. This is something you can learn yourself. Ready to find out how? Let's take a look.

The great thing about getting involved with affiliate marketing is that there are many great programs out there that you can use to get started. Instead of taking the long way to earn money, these programs can help to get you up to speed on affiliate marketing and the important things that you need to know.

A good program that offers instruction in affiliate marketing techniques can give you the shortcut to earning with affiliate marketing. It gets you on target and up to speed on the techniques you must know to get started and on your way to success.

A good program is going to have a lot of great information to help you out. When you begin looking for a quality program, look for a program that is going to give you instructions with step by step details on using affiliate marketing to begin making money from home.

Top programs provide forums you can get involved in. This lets you interact with others so you can learn from their experience as well. Instructional videos should also be provided, giving you more quality and helpful information. Look for a program that will give you the blueprints to using affiliate marketing successfully to make money.

You won't have to learn things the hard way with a good program on affiliate marketing. Instead you can learn from other people who are already profitable and successful in the affiliate marketing arena. Use the advice they give, enjoy the new knowledge, and even learn from the mistakes that they have made. This way you avoid making all the mistakes yourself and you'll start making money faster.

It doesn't have to be a mystery to make money at home on the web. If you are ready to get started, start learning from other people. Affiliate marketing is a great opportunity and with a good program you can quickly build a successful business of your own.

About the Author:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pay-Per-Click Advertising: The Best Way To Promote Products Online

By Calvin McCarthy

Pay per click (PPC) is an Internet advertising model used on search engines, advertising networks, and content sites, such as blogs, in which advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system.

Stay Focused

In today's downturn economy, it is increasingly important for companies to have a strong hold on their online marketing plan. Copy Online advertisers need to create winning ad copy to reach more targeted customers, produce higher click through rates, rank in the top search results, improve quality score and lower ad costs. This session will show internet marketers how the pros do it.

Calculate Everything

To prove effective in managing your PPC campaign to get as much sales as possible, you have find the best keyword, pay attention to your PPC ad title and description. mind your click through rates, and optimize your PPC campaign. Do not fall into the mistake of prioritizing quantity over quality. Even if you get tons of traffic, if you don't earn pay per click conversion then it's all-useless.

Deliver What You Promise

Getting people to click on those ads and visit your site is the easy part - getting them to do something once they're on your site is a whole other story. This is where targeted landing pages come into play.

Defer To the Customer

Think about what your customers want and then provide it. Target your keywords or keyword phrases that you would like to use. Because people tend to type fast when they search the web, be sure to include common mis-spellings of your keywords.Let your customers subscribe to your newsletter, fill out forms, or buy your products.

About Keywords

Most Pay-Per-Click advertising networks offer related phrases surrounding your keywords, so its best to make use of them. Theres also WordTracker, which helps you to expand your keywords and other possibilities. Also, if youre able to use negative keywords, do so. Google AdWords includes an option for you to specify which ones should not be used in your particular campaign. Here are some samples:

- stationary exercise bike

- stationary bike

- exercise bike

Positive keywords are:

Mountain Bikes

Mountain Bike Gear


Dynamic Titles

Use dynamic titles often. Heres how to do it; Keyword: Substitute title. For specifics, refer below:

Mountain Bikes: Bicycles and Gear

The Mountain Bike: Cycling with the right Bicycle Gear

Pay-Per-Click advertising can separate yourself from your competitors and make the most of every click you pay for. Advertisers who take advantage of PPC advertising get better, more qualified visibility for their ads, and ultimately get better conversions for their investment dollar.

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Your Time Is Precious Don't Waste It On Social Networks

By Simon Smith

Do you know, there is much fun to be had wasting away the wee small hours checking on my friends' picture books, skipping down memory lane with all my buddies from college. But when I'm in working hours I maximise my online time.

I let my hair down in my free time on Saturday and Sunday with my laptop when I am chilling with wife (while she's on the desktop computer playing games or checking out the top news stories about rugby, or writing long messages to her family)

I make a time slot in my day planner When I will spend time online. I do this by allocating a limited block of time. I keep this down to 15 minutes and just to be on the safe side, I set a reminder to pop up when my time is up so I don't get sucked down the Facebook-hole only to come up many hours later, with bloodshot eyes and a sore neck.

I have a clear sense of what I want to achieve with my online activities. For me the name of the game is build my following, so expanding my network is always my #1 priority.

On Facebook I like to check out what my friends are up to and reply to any requests first. Then I go searching for others to connect with via my friends and related groups.

On Twitter I can do a quick keyword search to find folks of like mind and follow them. I may spend just 2 or 3 minutes and be able to connect with a dozen new people and still have time for other activities.

One thing I always make sure I do when conversing with my social networks and connecting with new people is to deliver a consistent authentic heart felt message. By branding myself in this manner I will stand out from the crowd as someone who expresses their life purpose in a cohesive dynamic way non-stop for free accross the Internet.

At any given minute my online social network community can find me and in an instant know what I'm doing and connect on a deep and authentic level.

I love that on Twitter delivering a consistent message from the heart is easy and helps keep my peeps to a minimum, while at the same time creating a buzz about me which in turn helps me build my network.

I love sending heart felt quotes, a special link to a resource that has been helpful to me, or a special invite to a live upcoming event and it' all done in just a few minutes.

I can uplift a person by posting their stuff to my network or respond to a new follower with an inspiring phrase, all within the context of my message.

Using tools to automate much of what I do saves me time by helping me limit the number of times I need to go online or how many websites I need to visit.

Automation helps me to send one message out to all my networks or to follow or not to follow followers, or schedule multiple messages to go out whenever I want. There are Social Networking tools galore, some of which I teach in my webinars or write about here on my blog. They help me leverage my time online.

When I have used my assigned 15 minutes, I can focus on other things. I've finished what I set out to do, made some online friends along the way, spread my message to the planet, and now my expanding Social Networks are working overtime for me, attracting new perfect clients, associates and buddies.

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

How to Make Extra Money Online - What The Gurus Do To Make Their Money Online!

By Gerald Hice

If you are considering how to make extra money online, this guide can supply you with some tips which will prove useful. There are lots of ways to supplement an existing income, but one of the markets that have given a huge boost in methods for folks to do so is the internet. The internet is a world market that can provide hundreds of positions in dozens of individual fields, and thousands of new jobs are being made on a daily basis. The chances for making cash online are just about perpetual, and in this article we'll have a look at some of the preferred techniques folks are bolstering their revenue with varied online jobs.

The easiest way to show you how to make extra money online is thru an example. The most well liked online roles are those that permit folks to work from home, on their lonesome. The reason being because most of the use online roles as an extra source of revenue, instead of a primary source.

The schedules tend to be quite flexible and many roles are offered on an independent basis, so that folk can work around their normal schedule. These roles can include online promoting, content creation, SEO, and web development, as well as a plethora of others.

A fine example of how to make extra money online is search engine optimization, because it is in such wide demand. SEO is a strategy of augmenting traffic to a website by augmenting the possibility that the site will appear early on in search results for certain key terms. As an example, a website selling car parts might commission a blog about certain auto parts, such as "brake pads," so that when a user searches for "brake pads" on a search engine the site will appear earlier on. This market is constantly increasing due to 1,000's of new sites being made each day, giving you all kinds of of examples of how to make extra money online.

If you're still thinking how to make extra money online, keep this in mind: earning profits online is basically a matter of considering what skills you have and applying them to the respective online market. There are positions on the Internet for any amount of given ability sets, and almost any one with formal training of some sort can find work in a number of different fields and positions on the web.

Even if you have skill in a field that does not appear applicable to the internet (plumbing, for example), there's a good chance that someone somewhere is looking for an authority on the subject to write about it.


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Friday, June 12, 2009

Sinful PPC Management

By George Kristopher

Are you offending the Google gods by committing any of the hideous sins of ppc management? Most adwords advertisers do not realize it but there are several things the Google gods absolutely hate when it comes to adwords management.

Do you organize your adgroups? This one step can determine success or failure for your Google Adwords campaigns. You have a couple hundred or possibly several thousand keywords, right? Well if you are doing like most Google Adwords advertisers and cramming all of your keywords into the same adgroups then you are making a huge mistake. Did you know that Google expects to see all of your keywords broken up and organized into very closely knit, relevant adgroups? As a matter of fact if you are NOT organizing your keywords in this way then you are blatantly sinning against the Google gods and they will punish you for it!

If your keywords are put into adgroups with keywords that are not relevant to each other then Google is going to charge you more money for your clicks. Why? Since you crammed all of your keywords into the same adgroups you pretty much told Google that your campaign has no relevancy. You see, organizing your adgroups correctly is a huge part of achieving "Relevancy" in ppc management. You should definitely know by now if you know anything about ppc management that relevancy is the key factor in decreasing your overall click costs and the secret to getting high ad placement in Google without having to pay near as much as your competitors .

Here is what you must do to satisfy the Google gods and save your adwords campaigns from their terrible wrath. Immediately take all of your keywords and begin to organize them into separate adgroups with each keyword phrase in an adgroup having a common keyword or theme. If you have an extremely large campaign with tons of keywords, do not worry. There are several keyword organizing tools online that are 100% Free. For instance you can download the free program Adwords Editor and use the "keyword grouper tool" to divide your keywords into relevant adgroups.

If you want to have any success in PPC management it is crucial that you organize your keywords just the way Google expects. The Google gods will definitely NOT reward a campaign that lacks relevancy. If you have not organized your keywords properly you may still have a chance to redeem yourself if you fix them now.

However, if you really want to get on Google's good side you could organize your keywords like the ppc management professionals. Try putting each keyword into its own adgroup.

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An Explanation Of Google PR

By Jorjeo Iveniscovich

It is a well known fact in the world of webmasters that you need lots of links in order to rank well in the search engine results pages. But no all links are worth the same, you can have 3000 links and rank higher than someone with 20,000 if your links are from sites of a better quality.

There are many factors to take into account when trying to work out how much a link will be worth, but it can pretty much be summed up by the Page Rank that Google has given the page that you want a link from.

Google basically gives every page it finds a rank from 0 to 10. This wont happen straight away because Google only reviews Page Rank (PR) every six months or so. The highest rank is of course, 10 and lowest is 0 however there are some pages that simply have no PR (the PR just reads as n/a) and these will probably be new sites that Google hasnt found yet, or a fairly insignificant page deep in the site, or in the worst case scenario it could mean that Google has blacklisted that site. PR 10 sites are very rarely seen (except google.com) as there are only around 9 in existence.

So what benefits does a high PR present? Well, if you can get a link from a PR 6, 7 or even 8 site, then that will have a much bigger effect of your sites results ranking than a link from a PR 1 or 2 site. PR is basically, how valuable, important, up to date and genuine Google thinks the content of a page is and links basically count as votes to say that a site is worth visiting. So if youve got a PR8 site telling Google that your site is worth visiting (i.e. linking to you) then Google will start to favour your site much more.

Having a high PR page does not directly benefit you, but it does mean that you will be in a position to offer better quality links out to other sites, and so you can then request high quality links back. So the higher your PR, the better chance youve got of being ranked highly, but only if you do the work to get the links, it wont do anything on its own.

The catch 22 of the whole PR game is that in order to get good PR, the main thing you need, is high quality links, but until you have a high PR page yourself, other high PR sites will be unwilling to link to you, and so thats where you have to apply a bit of knowledge.

A good way to start your campaign for high quality links is to find sites like yours, not necessarily theme related (although this does help) but sites that are relatively new and are eager to get links. These sites will be a good starting point for your linking because in six months to a years time these sites will have some PR (probably no more than 2 or 3 but thats still well worth having) and so in the long term will be highly beneficial to your sites search engine rankings, and your PR, meaning you can start exchanging links with higher and higher PR sites.

There are other things that are taken into account when Google calculates your PR. Obviously nobody knows all of them except the people who develop the system, otherwise everyone would manipulate it to give them good PR, but what we do know is that sites that are regularly updated with fresh new content hold far more sway with Google and other search engines than sites that are left for long periods of time.

This is because the content will appear to have gone stale after a while; after all, news wouldnt be news if it was old! Google likes to be able to give its searchers the most up to date and relevant information it can, and so sites that are regularly updated will be given preference.

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Worldwide Internet Advertising - Best Reviews

By Henry B. Littlemore

While you and I may take this for granted, the fact still is that thousands of people are still logging on the Internet for the 1st time, every single day. These are still people who are new to the web, forums, blogs, etc. If you run a business or sell a product and you are and you're not using worldwide internet advertising, you are leaving plenty of cash on the table.

Again, there are definitely alternative ways to advertise online--effective ways--but I strongly assume the single easiest to advertise on the Internet is to leverage the power of search engines.

Thousands upon thousands of people, every single day, use search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN and others to find the data they are searching for. If you might put your website, product, or business before their eyes after they search, do you believe that could impact your bottom line? You bet it could! So how does one go about getting your internet site, product, or service listed in the search engine results pages, or SERPs, as they're known? There are known? There are two main ways.

You basically need a big number of other web sites to link to yours, and not just any web sites, but those in a related field. This is a gross oversimplification of SEO, but suffice to assert that getting links is highly significant. And while no one can argue with free web traffic, it's simply going to take a heap of time and effort if you go this route. you go this route. The are however great strategies to hollering and make it work.

You fundamentally need a large number of other web sites to link to yours, and not just any web sites, but those in a related field. This is a gross oversimplification of SEO, but suffice to say that getting links is highly critical. In truth, if you do a cost benefit analysis, in many cases it is simply not worth the effort when you compare it to the other way to use worldwide internet advertising.

This other way to use you want to advertise--what I say is the simplest way to publicize on the Internet--is through the use of pay per click advertising. If you have ever search on Google and saw those links on the right side of the page, those are PPC advertisements. Google's PPC advertising system is thought of as AdWords. Here is how it works: Advertisers pays for varied different keywords a person might perform a search on. The explanation is so strong is actually because it is simple to get listed on the first page of advertisements. Ad placement with AdWords is a whole topic in and of itself, but usually the more you bid on a keyword the higher position your ad will have.

If you haven't leveraged the power of AdWords to advertise on the Net, I can assure you are leaving cash on the table. The problem with Google Adwords for worldwide internet advertising, some people use it as their only resource, and this is absolutely incorrect. It should just be part of your complete arsenal in worldwide internet advertising.

And now for the most significant sentence of this article: Get started today. Do something on the words you've read here, and you will be on your way to a successful worldwide internet advertising campaign! It's so straightforward to just read these words on you screen and nod your head in harmony but take no action. But if you make a decision to act, you are putting yourself in a great position to achieve success. So get out there and go for it!

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Writing Jobs For Moms Who Work At Home Are Possible

By Todd Schuyler

If you've decided that working as a work at home mom writer is the best work at home job opportunity for you, then you'll need to figure out how to get some writing assignments. The good news is, when you work as a web writer there is no shortage of writing job opportunities available. It all depends on where you look and how much research you are willing to put into it.

Writing on the Net can break down into several different categories. Before you begin looking for work, you'll have to decide whether or not you want to get credit for your writing. If you insist on byline, you may have difficulty finding a lot of paying jobs. Byline jobs are out there if you look. However, the most money to be made is from working as a ghostwriter online. I recommend Step by Step Ghostwriting Tips Website. They will show you how to be effective.

Many moms can find success with ghostwriting. When you work as a freelance ghostwriter you provide writing services for clients who will then use the work as their own. Ghostwriting can be a lucrative opportunity, especially when you focus on niche writing. For the most part, the Internet is a text and image based platform. Companies and individuals who run websites constantly need text to make their websites attractive to visitors. Since writing is something that a lot of people find rather tedious, this leaves plenty of opportunities for those who like to write.

Net writing work at home moms need only an Internet connection to get started. Your own site is not necessary, but it does add a touch of professionalism to your writing business. However, when you are first starting out you can get plenty of work without having a site.

There are many different categories of online writing. When you see the term content writing you will normally be providing text for an existing or new website. Your writing will have to be engaging and clear for website visitors. Copywriters are challenged with putting readers in the mood to buy. They write copy for Internet sales letters and marketing sites. Ebook ghostwriters provide clients with full-length books on a variety of topics.

Writers who write need to be professional in their online presence. This means spell-checking all writing, including e-mails to clients. It is also a good idea to get an e-mail address that is specifically used for your writing. A personal e-mail address with a goofy handle will make you appear unprofessional. Your first and last name or a combination thereof is a good choice for your web writing e-mail address.

Writing for the Internet has a few differences from writing essays in school or writing for print magazines. Readers online have short attention spans, and you'll need to keep your sentences short and your paragraphs clear.

One difference is the use of keywords in certain writing assignments. Keywords are words that have been selected by your client to be used in the article. Keyword articles will require you to use the word or phrase a certain number of times in the article. Sometimes it can be difficult to use the words without making it sound forced. Experienced web writers have developed ways to make the keywords flow naturally into their articles. Make sure not to do keyword overkill. It does not work.

Once you've gotten a few web writing assignments under your belt, you can decide what type of writing suits you best. You can find writing jobs on message boards, freelance writing job sites and classified ad sites like Craigslist. Whenever you apply for a job, don't forget to include your contact information and a few writing samples.

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Reseller Web Hosting: Way to Begin Web Hosting Business

By Anand Maheshwari

Web hosting is the best way to put up a website on the World Wide Web network which is the right platform to communicate with the visitors from all parts of the globe and also to promote the products and services. With the gradual increase in the popularity of web hosting services, quite a number of individuals are stepping into this business in order to earn quick profits. Now for a newbie in this business, things might seem really complicated if they do not start with an easy venture. Reseller hosting is the easiest of all available options and suitable for new hosting business owners as well as for those who are about to host a website.

Reseller web hosting is that particular version of hosting wherein the owner of the accounts gets certain level of independence. They purchase definite amount of disk space or bandwidth from a good hosting company. Then the purchaser is free to allot some amount of space to individual clients. In fact they purchase from the mother company at a wholesale rate and resell them to the end users at a higher rate to earn profit from the business. It is up to the reseller whether he wishes to rent the server from the hosting company or not. The small and medium business owners often prefer to get their services from resellers as they are available in the form of cheap yet useful package.

There are few advantages of Reseller hosting from the perspective of an owner of web hosting business. It is pretty understandable that the new initiator of the hosting business does not have adequate knowledge about the technical intricacies of web servers, hardware, networking etc. With reseller web hosting you can simply avoid all these hassles. As the mediator you need not be concerned about any network or server related problems as they are taken care of by the hosting company. Though the user interface is maintained by you but the hazards of detailed servicing is no more your responsibility. This happens to be the best aspect of reseller web hosting, especially for the new business owners.

If you would like to make it big with your hosting business, marketing should not be neglected. There are numerous modes of promotions which you should adopt in order to make your company popular to the customers. Reviews published in reputed sites can be of real help. Moreover when you have the rights to sell and market the bandwidth, you are free to prepare the plans and design service packages available to the end users. Often it is observed that even the new business owners establish themselves as a separate web hosting brand using the new server names and customizable panels.

In short the reseller hosting is a cost effective solution for both the web hosting company and the individual users. The hosting companies get some discount from the actual host on bulk purchases and they pass on a share of the benefits to their customers in terms of low-cost packages. Hence it is evident that reseller web hosting is the ideal way to set up a new web hosting business.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

PPC Ads Should Be Checked Frequently

By Brian Basch

Another area of concern in a PPC advertising campaign is how your ad is constructed and whether it is pulling a good crowd to your website. You will also need to attract visitors that are interested in your product and services.

The ads of your PPC campaign are essentially small classified ads. They are built the same way, with a headline, body and call to action. The first, and most important, part of your ad is the headline. You will want something that grabs the reader's attention and draws them in further. Then, with the body, you will state one or two of the benefits of your product. You will then end the ad with a call to action, directing your potential customer to your sales page.

Split testing the ad will enable you to improve your ad and get the optimum value from it. You will have 2 campaigns set up with different ads for the same product. Each ad will lead to a different landing page so that you can track them easily. You will track them for traffic and sales conversions.

After some time you will see which ad is the strongest. You will then try and tweak the weaker ad to outperform the first ad. Once you reach this point, you can replace the weaker performer with a new ad and repeat the process. This will be continued until you feel you have the perfect ad. This process will take time, but the increased profits will more than make up for the time.

Your ad will be based around your main keyword for your business. It can be used either for an affiliate program or your own products and services. Google Adwords allows affiliate programs but not all PPC engines do.

When you create your ad try to be very sure that it will bring targeted people to your website. If your traffic is not targeted you will find that you get a lot of traffic but no sales. When you take into consideration that every click costs you money you want to have the highest sales ratio to clicks as possible.

In order to keep potential customers coming to your site, you will need to keep making adjustments to your ads. In order to help you do this, Google Adwords offers a variety of tools and tutorial to aid in the management of your ads and your entire PPC advertising campaign.

A lot of people, while focusing on their keywords and bidding very intensely, will post and ad and then forget about it. This is extremely unwise. Your ads are what will herd your customers to you. If you do not continue to maintain a strong ad your campaign may end up failing.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is Maverick Money Makers Worth It?

By Steven Cricks

If you are at all interested in making money online then I'm sure you've heard of the program called maverick money makers.

Maverick money makers is the largest membership site at the moment for people wanting to make money and it has many members joining each day.

If you are thinking about joining maverick money makers then carry on reading this article to find out what I like and dislike about the program before you buy.

I have actually been working from home and making a living from the internet for the past four years or so and have seen many products come and go in that time. The truth is that there are thousands of products online to learn how to make money from.

Firstly Ill say that there has been some controversy about the maverick money makers program because some people say that they are teaching blackhat methods.

Out of all the information contained in the members area there is only one part Id consider blackhat.

The main thing that really surprises me and sets this program apart from the rest is that there is always new methods being added to the members area so a lot of effort is going into this.

As there is so much content I'd advise you to focus on one method before you move onto the next method in Maverick Money Makers.

Another thing I really like about maverick money makers is the support is very good. I had a question about one of their methods and had a helpful email back within about half an hour.

The only thing I can think of that may be a problem to new people is that as there is so much content you may get distracted.

The best thing to do is to spend a while going through everything and then choose the model that you like the best and apply it. Then when you have that working for you move onto another method.

In my opinion the maverick money makers club is well worth the money if you can spare a couple of hours each day to put what you learn into action.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Web Traffic

By Doc Schmyz

Everyone who has a website wants more needs more traffic. The problem is not all traffic is created equal. A lot of webmasters get so lost in the search for more traffic they lose the focus on if that traffic has any real value.

Different websites have different goals. One may be to build a brand, another may be to sell a product while yet another may be to build a list from leads. No matter what the goal, tracking should be done to see whether the traffic generated from various sources is actually helping to achieve that goal.

In some cases, it is easy to see the difference between various traffic sources. For example, it is usually much cheaper to buy Pay Per Click (PPC) ads for a content network than for a search network. On a content network, ads appear on related web sites while on a search network they appear as the result of a user keying in specific search terms.

People who click on ads on the content network tend to be browsing the Internet for informat. People who click on ads on the content network tend to be browsing the Internet for information. On the other hand, those searching for key terms, lets say product names, are more likely to be looking to buy.ion. On the other hand, those searching for key terms, lets say product names, are more likely to be looking to buy. Due to the higher conversion rate, these ads end up costing more.

However, paying for advertising can painfully eat into profits. In some cases campaigns that are generating a good volume of sales can be rendered unprofitable due to the costs of advertising. However free traffic, organic traffic, which comes from unpaid listing on search engines, is free and targeted. Getting large volumes of traffic from To do this requires being on the front pages of the major search engines for popular terms. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of trying to rank highly for competitive keywords. Unfortunately, many SEO techniques take considerable time to put into place and to affect search engine rankings. It is not a quick method to the top...no matter what a SEO company promises you.

One technique to overcome this problem is to aim for 'low-hanging fruit'. That is, keywords that have less competition. While these generate lower traffic, it is possible to build up considerable amounts of traffic by building up a portfolio of less popular keywords. If you are on a tight budget you can do some of this work yourself...saving you thousands of dollars in professional SEO fees.

Other great forms of generating free targeted traffic include article marketing, email marketing and utilizing joint venture partnerships. The main thing is to avoid traffic generation strategies that cost money, but don't result in conversions. Pay close attention to the traffic numbers you get in return from your efforts.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Only Long Term Website Traffic Solution

By W.S. Ball

This is what you must do. Write your very own article. Make it unique and of the highest quality information and submit it to all of the article directories. This is where you broadcast you and your business to the masses. You can promote anything through article marketing, you website, affiliate website, blog, or whatever you want. If you can't write articles, then the article directories can provide detailed information on how to write an effective article.

This is what you need to do. Write your very own unique article and submit it to all the major article directories available online. This is where you broadcast yourself and/or your business. If you don't know how to write an article, these article directories will even offer you tips and guidance on how to write an effective article.

Now your thinking, how can I get traffic to my website with my article? Well, anyone who reads your unique article will read it to the end and see a little resource box at the bottom. This is where your website link is located and if they are interested in your product or service, they will click through to your site for more information. The resource box is where you pitch your product or service to encourage them to visit your website.

This will not only produce alot of website traffic, publishers who read it and like it, will post it on THEIR website or blog. This gives the publishers fresh, new content for their readers and in return for your article, provides addiltional website traffic from their site to yours. A great bonus for you.

Once they post it to their website or blog. They must agree to the article directories conditions that the article stays completely intact along with your website URL in the resouce box. As I stated earlier, this is additonal website traffic for you.

Heres the ultimate result. Your article is on hundreds of article directories, high traffic websites and blogs. Resulting in hundreds of one way,quality backlinks to your website. Then, within a matter of days, your website and article get indexed by all of the major search engines, including Google, Yahoo, and MSN. You get quickly indexed because the SEs frequently visit these directories for fresh, new content to provide for their searchers. Meaning even more website traffic for you.

As a result of all this activity teeming around your article, this shows all of the readers and the search engines that you are an authority on the subject you wrote about. Then your website sky rockets up the search engines giving you even more website traffic.

I hope you can now see how benefical this article writing is to your business. The problem here is submitting them to the article directories manually. This is very time consuming. If time is critical to your business, you must invest a small fee to have an article submission service do it for you. This cut your time to merely minutes a week as oppose to days of manual submissions.

So you see, its worth your time to write articles on your subject of interest. But the time consuming part is submitting them to the article directories. There are services out there that will, for a small fee, submit your article for you. If you don't have the time, theres only one top notch article submission service out there that will provide everything you need to be successful. So get those article written and get all the website traffic you could ever want. You will see a dramatic increase in website traffic and sales in the long term.

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How to Choose a Website Hosting Company Part I

By Greg Black

Let's say you're shopping around for a lot to build your dream house on. Your real estate agent takes you to what she calls "a prime piece of property." Five acres of beautiful wooded land with a small pond, just off a main highway. It's a half-hour drive to the nearest town--far enough to have peace and quiet, but not too far to be inconvenient for weekly grocery shopping. And then the agent floors you with the asking price--"It's only $12,000."

Twelve thousand? you think. For this beautiful piece of land? What a deal! You're about to say "I'll take it" when she adds one more thing...

"However, there aren't any utilities here. You'll have to arrange for all of that yourself."

Not such a great deal now, is it?

This is the kind of trouble you may run into if you choose your website hosting company based on price. It may seem like a good deal, but if the company doesn't provide everything your website needs, you're choosing the wrong company. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a new website hosting company or evaluating your current one.

In case you didn't know... What exactly is a website hosting company or website hosting provider?

A website hosting company owns and maintains one or more servers--specialized computers that store your website's files and make them available to other people through the Internet. It is possible to set up your own server, but buying this service from a company will give you access to various scripting language support and traffic statistics at a much lower price than you could manage on your own. Unless you are expecting to have vast amounts of traffic on your website, or will transmit a large amount of data (such as having video and audio that are downloaded a great deal), it is more time- and cost-efficient to have another company host your website.

How much disk space do you need?

One of the criteria that usually separate one website hosting plan from another is the amount of space you get on the server for your website files. This is similar to space on your computer's hard drive, and is calculated the same way--in gigabytes, megabytes, and kilobytes. You can calculate the amount of space you need by adding up the size of all the website files. Don't forget to include all the graphics and images.

How much bandwidth do you need?

Bandwidth is calculated by the size of each file a visitor to you website sees multiplied by how many times a visitor sees it. For example, if your home page file is 11K (kilobytes) and it has two 7K images on it, that will add up to 25K of material transferred every time someone looks at your home page. So if you have 700 visitors in a month who look at your home page, that will be 17,500K transferred, or about 17M (megabytes). This will be calculated for every page a visitor looks at, as well as any video, audio, or other files they download onto their computer.

Most website hosting companies set a limit on the bandwidth you can use per month, but make sure that is the case when comparing plans. Remember, one gigabyte equals 1024 megabytes, and one megabyte equals 1024 kilobytes.

What email options do you get?

Some things to look for are the number of email addresses you can have, mailbox storage size, POP3/SMTP service (you can send and receive email from your account), if you can have email aliases or forwarding (an address that sends all messages to another address's mailbox), online email access, and spam filtering. Consider your company's current and future needs when evaluating this.

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Get Over Your Procrastination Now

By Mary Johnson

Procrastination seems to be a part of our nature. We waited until the last minute to study for exams, we wrote papers in the wee hours of the night. We've been procrastinating for years. Overcoming procrastination isn't easy, but it can be done. You need a little determination and a few tips to help you get on task and stay on task.

The only way to solve the problem is to first admit you have a problem. Then, you have to determine that you want to solve the problem, no matter what it takes. If that is you, than repeat after me, "I procrastinate. I will do whatever I must in order to shed this habit." Good for you! This is the first step toward a "get it done" attitude.

Generally, there are three reasons we procrastinate. One, we just don't like to do unpleasant things. Two, we'd rather do what we'd rather do. Finally, we put off and jobs or tasks that seem overwhelming.

Perhaps there's task that you really don't mind but finding time when you are not busy, making arrangements to get the task done, and having to complete the task can become overwhelming. If you're going to overcome procrastination you have to find ways to overcome the reasons you procrastinate.

If the problem facing you is a job you don't want to do, then think of some way to leverage your best interest in favor of getting the task done. Offer yourself a reward once the job is done. Do something for yourself.

If you really want to do something else, then make that your reward for doing the task you are avoiding. Find a way to gratify yourself. Immediate gratification seems to work wonders as a motivator for overcoming procrastination.

If large jobs overwhelm you, then simply break them down into smaller tasks. Knowing that part of the job is achievable will give you the motivation to get those little parts done. Before you know it, the entire task will be complete.

Procrastination seems like a never-ending battle, but you can overcome it. Here are a few more tips you can use.

You can set a schedule and stick to it, practicing time management and organizational skills as you follow it. Nothing works as well as a well planned day. When a task takes too long stop, add it to tomorrow's list, and move on. There is no miracle cure for procrastination, but you'll find yourself doing procrastinating less following these tips.

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

How to Get Traffic Quickly and Make Money Fast

By Validar Ralsatte

If you are looking to get traffic to your new website, you may have heard that you can use use social networking or social media sites, such as Myspace or Facebook, to drive users of these services to you. There are a few problems with this strategy. With the advent of quick and easy sites, like Twitter, social networking and media sites have seen a marked decline in the amount of frequent users. Consider these points before you solely rely on social networking sites to drive traffic to your website:

* Myspace and Facebook have a huge number of dead pages - So many users have "been there, done that" that they do not login to there accounts anymore. You would basically be marketing to the wall. * Myspace and Facebook has implemented numerous safety guards - They have made changes which are hypersensitive against spam, and they label any outgoing links as spam or potential phishing sites. This puts a scare into people using these services, and causes them to apprehensive to clicking any outgoing links to your site. * Social Networking is about dead - When these services were new, they were great. While you may find some amount of success with these sites, your effectiveness rate would be about 30% of what you would normally expect.

Unfortunately, that is the sad truth.

To respond to the many problems, some focus on SEO. SEO is the attempt to rank highly on search engine results for a keyword. This often results in steady traffic. But SEO can literally take years in competitive niches.

Perhaps the fastest and quickest way to drive traffic to your website using the search engines is through using pay-per-click advertising services, or PPC. PPC allows you to place an ad on the search engines based on the keywords which people search. You only pay for advertising when someone clicks through your ad. Three of the top PPC programs are:

Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, MSN Adcenter

Of course, this isn't the entire list of services. Other companies like Miva are often utilized, and even Facebook has a special CPC advertising service that is extremely targeted.

Rates vary from keyword to keyword, but some terms can be bought for as little as $0.05 cents a click. Pricing really depends on the search engine you advertise on and the amount of users the particular search engine has. It is also dependent on how many people are advertising in the same niche as you.

When a user clicks on your ad after searching what they were looking for, they go to your site. If your landing page is good, and rich in relevant content, more often than not a visitor will buy your product. This shows a considerable profit in ratio to advertising, or return on investment(ROI). With the millions of users around the world using search engines, you can get loads of visitors to your website through PPC advertising, and multiply your sales volume in the process.

Want quick traffic, but don't want to use the search engines or social media? PPC is the only way to go, and is both instant AND automatic.

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Six Proven Techniques That Increase Affiliate Marketing Business Success

By Bismark Ampofo

It's not all that difficult to start an affiliate marketing business. However, if you want to be successful with your online business, you will have to put in some hard work at it.

There are six steps which you need to follow to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

All of these steps are essential to building a profitable home based affiliate business that can generate a substantial income for you.

When you've finished reading this article, you will have learned:

Step 1 - Pick a Market

Although you may think you'd start with a product, it's best to come up with a market. Later you may want to have various products, so coming up with a good market is key. Choose one you like and ensure you research it as well.

Step 2 - Choose Your Product

After you have a market in mind, then you can choose a good product. Sure, you may want to go with several products, but it is best to only get started with only one product at a time.

When you try to get started with several products, you won't be able to focus on one. You'll try working on various products and none will be successful.

You'll be able to start making sales more quickly if you devote your attention to just one product for the time being. Once you've started to get some regular sales, then you can add more products to your lineup.

Step 3 - Write An Autoresponder Series

Once you get your affiliate marketing business started, you'll need to be able to follow up with people who are interested in what you have to offer. Use an auto-responder to send a series of emails to people who sign up for your list.

Make these emails informative and relevant to your product. For example, if you sell golf balls, write a series of informative emails about your products, as well as information on golf in general, clubs and so on.

You're not going to make a lot of sales from this immediately. It can take a few months before you really start seeing a lot of results, but make your emails creative and informative and you will start to make some income from commissions.

Step 4 - Build An Opt-In Form

Naturally, your auto-responder series won't do you much good unless you have a list of people to send them to. Add an opt-in form on your site where visitors can sign up to receive your emails.

You should feature your affiliate product or products on this page as well, inviting people who'd like to learn more to sign up for your email list.

Step 5 - Use Traffic Generation Techniques

You'll need to use some traffic generation techniques to start getting visitors to your site. It takes a little time to see the results, but the earlier you start, the earlier you'll start getting regular traffic to your site.

Test several different traffic generation techniques to find out which is the best for your business. Stick with whichever technique gets you the best results.

Step 6 - Find relevant new products to add

Once your first product is creating a reliable income for you, it's time to start offering more products to your prospects.

You always want to start out with one really great product and work on getting great results. Put all your efforts into the success of this product in the beginning and build up a good contact list as well.

Market this new product to your list - these are the people who are already interested in your business, so they're more likely to buy from you than new prospects.

After you are able to successfully earn with one product, then start adding on products and use this same process all over again.

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